立体黒Tシャツ 「寿司 -SUSHI-」 Black 3D T-shirt (Sushi)

立体黒Tシャツ 「寿司 -SUSHI-」
Black 3D T-shirt (Sushi)

販売価格: 2,000(税込)


【寿司-SUSHI-】立体プリント黒T-シャツ 日本製 made in JAPAN

Tシャツの前面に“浮き出る”お寿司のデザインが斬新! 凹凸の雰囲気が実にユニークです 外国の方に人気のTシャツです!日本語での寿司ネタもGood!!お土産におススメ! 特殊技法の性質上お洗濯、脱水後はすぐに取り出して Tシャツの生地表面をキレイに整えて下さい 素材:綿100% 背中:無地


【Sushi】 Black 3D T-shirt  made in JAPAN

Black T-shirt with crazy 3D effect sushi.
Unusual T-shirt with totally lifelike 3D sushi design on the front!
Unique raised print looks like the real thing!!
A hit with overseas customers!
The names of each sushi are in Japanese.
Would make a great souvenir!
Please wash with care to avoid damaging the 3D design,remove promptly from washing machine and dry flat.
Material: 100% Cotton No design printed on the back
List price includes tax

