Baseball Cap [Dragon -Black-]
Baseball Cap [Dragon -Black-]
販売価格: 1,650円(税込)
/// Baseball Cap  /// [ Dragon -Red-]
ベルクロのテープでサイズ調整ができる帽子です。帽子本体に金銀赤の糸で龍の刺繍が施されています。 良質な綿とカチッとしたツバ。本体真後ろに、漢字で「龍」 銀の糸で刺繍されております。
Baseball Cap [Dragon -Red-]
Velcro tape fastening for easy size adjustment.
Dragon is embroidered in gold,silver and red thread.
High quality cotton material and stiff peak.
`Dragon` (龍) is written on the back in Japanese.
Japanese and English both embroidered in silver.
List price includes tax